Call for Entries

1,282 2016.11.22 10:48



Beyond Borders

experimentation and innovation in enameling

11th international juried enamel exhibition

The Northern California Enamel Guild (NCEG) Juried Enamel Exhibitions offer the opportunity to see the most contemporary and innovative enamel art that is being created today. The exhibition includes functional and non-functional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional works that illustrate the wide scope of artwork created by the enameling process. Work is chosen for its melding of technical excellence and content, and for daring to push the boundaries of the medium.

Sponsored by 
The Northern California Enamel Guild

Hosted by 
The Richmond Art Center
South Gallery 
Richmond, CA

Important Dates
April 6, 2012  •  Deadline for entries 
May 4, 2012  •  Notifications sent for acceptance 
August 17, 2012   •  Accepted work due 
September 15- November 9, 2012   •  Exhibition held 
November 11 - 24, 2012   •  Work returned to artists  



미국 캘리포니아의 에나멜 길드에서 주관하는 NCEG국제공모전 신청서는 아래 사이트에서 들어가서 
온라인 신청하면됩니다. 


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